Complete the Surgery Request Form found on this website. A PETS Ltd. volunteer will contact you to schedule surgery.
If you are unable to complete the Surgery Request Form, PETS Ltd. must be contacted by phone at 703-250-9584 or via email to request a date for surgery. Indicate the number of animals, and if possible, the sex of the animals, for whom this service is being provided.
Cats should be trapped the night before surgery and eat only the food used as bait. Small kittens, however, do not need to be fasted.
Feral cats should be brought in traps, otherwise they pose a risk to the veterinary staff and volunteers attempting to dislodge these cats from their cages.
The traps must be identified using the information on the form on this website.
Animals must be picked up at the end of the scheduled day, though they may be picked up earlier if ready.
Kittens under 3 months of age should either be rehabilitated or should be kept indoors until reaching 3 months of age, as studies indicate that the survival rate of feral kittens is much lower than that of adults.
Female feral cats should optimally be kept for 3 days prior to releasing. Nursing females of very young kittens, however, will have to be released after 24 hours to feed their kittens. Males can be released after 24 hours.
Instructions for post-surgical care will be provided upon request.